

Below is a list of services offered on location at Joker's Garage and Lounge. Use the contact page to reach out to us with your needs and project ideas so we can assess the services you may require. Please visit our social media pages to see some of our custom work.


Technician Custom Work:

Have an idea for a project? Need lights installed? we can help with just about any modification for your electric scooter or e-bike you can dream up. Call us at (646) 387-3299 or use our contact page to discuss any potential modifications you are interested in having done by Joker's Garage and Lounge.

  • $100 Per Hour


Electric Scooter Services:

  • Brake Bleeding:
  • Tire Installation:
  • Brake Pad Installation:
  • Brake Pad Installation:
  • Magura Brake Installation:
  • Dualtron Headset Adjustment:
  • Duatron Deck Installation:


E-Bike Services:

  • Brake Bleeding:
  • Tire Installation:
  • Chain Installation:
  • Tire Truing:


Vehicle Specific Services: